Where we set the Industry Standards.
Various FinTech themes that possess untapped potential to advance financial inclusion are being explored across the AFI network including Blockchain, KYC, AML, Big-Data, Cloud Computing and RegTech to enhance compliance with global standards for financial stability and integrity and domestic supervisory. Looking further, the changes could be even more profound. The ways that we digitally manage our personal information could come to completely redefine the human digital experience.
Convenience owns up 90% of a customer’s loyalty. Trends toward mobile banking, increased accurate analytics and decentralisation of access will create opportunities for all to interact in unprecedented ways. The combination of the rapid pace of innovation in financial services in developing and emerging countries, is a unique opportunity to resolve some of the most intractable challenges of financial inclusion and reach consumers with high quality financial services.
At Digital Onboarding Forum, we set the industry standards, discuss the best practices, set the vision for the future, revolutionising the Digital Banking Industry forever.
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Digital Identity
Identity Verification
Paperless Banking
Document Digitization
ID Verification
Behavioural Analytics
Next-Gen Banking
Fraud Prevention
Multifactor Authentication
2-Factor Authentication
Biometric Authentication
Self-Sovereign Identity
Reducing Onboarding Friction
Analytics & Automation
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Join the Experts: Digital Onboarding Forum drives the awareness, adoption, interoperability, and development of digital onboarding, digital banking, identity authentication and other technologies. Through a collaborative partnership with industry, academia, and government expertise, the Forum is dedicated to the overall development of these technologies. We accelerate the market by propelling innovation and guiding outcomes for technology end-users.
Our Mission
Digital Onboarding Forum® is The Authority in Digital Onboarding and Digital Banking. It coalesces industry, government and academia to drive consistency in vocabulary, architecture, security and interoperability of Digital Banking technologies.
Digital Onboarding Forum is open to the businesses, organisations or entities with an emphasis in Digital Onboarding, Identity and Access Management, Customer Authentication, Biometric Authentication, KYC and Fraud Prevention. Our global membership is committed to streamlining, standardising and optimising the technologies for the end users.
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